Tuesday 2 December 2008


Just lately I seem to have been defending my corner a lot when it comes to writing children's books. It's amazing how many people tell me they're going to write one - when they have a spare 5 minutes. And they usually also tell me that they won't tell me what the story is about in case I steal their idea! Well thanks for that.

But writing for children, as well as being so very rewarding, is a bit harder than it appears. Every word has to count. Every word has to be just the right one for the story, for the reader, for me...which is probably why I tend to over-analyse what people say. Words are my currency. The hardest job, but surely the most satisfying, is getting those children who struggle a bit with reading, who don't find it easy, to read a story which is fulfilling and exciting for them and which, though a challenge, makes them want to read more books.

That's a challenge I intend to rise to in future.

Writing is a brilliant job, and I love it, really really love it. I'm not sure my books change people's lives though.

Ted is struggling a bit with his hips at the moment and today we took him to Greyfriars www.greyfriarsrehab.co.uk for his hydrotherapy. The therapists there really do change lives - for the dogs and for the owners. I'm always a bit in awe of what goes on, but I love going as much as Ted does because the therapists are so lovely and funny...and reassuring. So thank you Lisa and Kim....and everybody else, where would we be without you?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I totally agree!

But I DO think Victoria Wood had a point when she said: "Oh, I'm sorry. I just brushed past your keyboard with my bottom - and appear to have written a Mr Man book." Priceless. x