Friday 6 February 2009

A funny old week

I've had a funny old week. It started with all the fun of the snow and I just loved that. I loved the crunching out in it and everybody laughing, faces red with cold and fingers tingling from throwing snowballs. I loved watching Ted going beserk and not really knowing what it was, but not caring much either.

Then the middle of the week - no more snow, icy pavements and ....more hassles on the 'Extremely Very....' front. I feel that I just don't have the support I deserve and that in a lot of ways I have served my purpose as another box that can be ticked off on a portfolio - 'Children's Book - yep done that, can move on to the next thing now.' It got to the stage where I realised that I was looking at a very dark abyss and I could easily tip over into it.

But that wasn't reckoning on my family and friends - especially my lovely Facebook friends who rallied and made me laugh,long and snortingly hard, so big cheers to them. And I realised in the scheme of things, no-one is ever worth getting so upset over. So I'm not anymore.

Thursday brought a brief meeting with some delightful Brownies who said they would review 'Extremely Very...' for me and were just so articulate and made such positive comments I came away quite heartened. And today has given me a big boost too - friends have ordered lots of copies in various local bookshops to start a 'buzz' for me. A Facebook friend was so thrilled when I gave her a copy for her grandson, told her friends and one has asked me to go into her daughter's school next week for Book Week. (Which is scary but exciting too.) And there's a new American follower on

Suddenly I feel as though Little Doogs is getting the wider audience that he deserves.

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