Sunday 19 April 2009


I seem to be a week or so behind myself which is something of a worry but not really a surprise! Whilst in Yorkshire, as well as seeing Jules and taking Harry's eggs and of course wanting to smuggle a few lambs home beneath my coat, I got to meet up with quite a few old friends. And one new one!

I find it pretty amazing that after so many years when our lives have gone in different directions I can meet up with friends I haven't seen since I was 18 and it can feel like we're back at school. We still laugh like drains, Jenny still has the driest sense of humour, Cathy can quote lyrics like you wouldn't believe (a talent I have always been very envious of) and everyone is an all-round lovely person who is a joy to know. We're older, we're hopefully a bit wiser, we no longer have the silly hang-ups we had as teenagers....but we still know how to have fun!

And the new friend....well I only met Stuart in person for the first time last week, as did everyone else at the reunion, but I feel as though I've known him for ages. He makes me laugh out loud, snortingly loud, but is so sweet and lovely too (although I'm not sure he'll be too pleased about the 'sweet' bit!). He's very much one of the posse now and I look forward to lots more get-togethers in the not too distant future.

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